Q. I can’t get the workout to play all the way though, is this correct?
A. The videos you see in your workouts are for demonstration purposes. Perform the set number of reps or time displayed that your coach has set for you. Then swipe across to see the next exercise.
Q. How do I contact my coach?
A. You can use the in app instant messaging tool for most queries. You are also welcome to email your coach if necessary. Please allow 24 hours for your coach to acknowledge your message.
Q.How do I change my password?
A. To change your password, sign in to your account via the Members Area and change your password in the profile settings.
Q. What do I do if I’ve forgotten your password?
A. You can request a new password via the Members Area by clicking forgot password.
Q. How often can I speak to my coach?
A. Your coach will email you once per week where you can ask anything you may need help with. You can also message your coach using the in App messenger. Please allow 24 hours for your coach to get back to you.
Q. Can I track my results?
A. Yes! We have an in App tracking tool where you can track and monitor your lifestyle habits and nutrition as well as weight and other body composition variables. Please speak to your coach who will discuss this in more detail with you.
Q. How often are workouts updated?
A. All workout are fully updated every 4 weeks. If you need any further changes in between this is done at the discretion of your coach.
Q. Can I track my food intake?
A. Yes, we have a built in food diary tracker, equipped with an in App camera so you can snap your meals and upload with minimal fuss!
Q. How do I schedule my PT Live video call personal training session?
A. Please contact us via email at team@p4bespoketraining.com to book a session. One of our coaches will be in contact with you within 24 hours.
Q. What is the cancellation policy?
A. We ask that we receive 24 hours’ notice of cancellation on PT Live video call personal training sessions. Failure to do so will result in a full charge. The same full charge applies to a clients no show.
Q. Do my sessions expire?
A. Your credit for sessions will be held on account for 12 months and after this period will expire if they are not used.
Q. I have a Premium membership, can I roll my sessions over to the following week/month?
A. Live sessions included in Premium must be used within each set week. Sessions do not roll over and are non-transferable.
Q. How often am I billed?
A. PRO Online and Premium membership payments are taken every 30 days.
Q. Can I transfer or share my account with someone else?
A. No, this is not possible. Due to the tailored nature of our services it is not possible to share or transfer a membership or account to/with someone else.
Q. Do you offer joint/family memberships?
A. Please contact one of our coaches to discuss group/family membership options.